合成金融工具SyntheticFrom 路透金融词典 指将两种或两种以上的金融工具组合在一起,创造出别具特色新资产的金融工具。例如,在购买一只股票的看涨期权的同时卖出相同股票的看跌期权,人为地创立一项与该股票具有相同特征、相同风险和潜在回报率的资产。A financial instrument that is created by combining two or more instruments to create a new asset with distinct attributes. For example, the purchase of a call option on a share and the simultaneous sale of a put option on the same share artificially creates an asset which has the same characteristics as the underlying share and the same risks and potential rewards.合成金融工具Synthetic 取自"http://glossary.reuters.com.cn/wiki/index.php/%E5%90%88%E6%88%90%E9%87%91%E8%9E%8D%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7"页面分类: 期货期权 | 金融