持平FlatchipingFrom 路透金融词典(重定向自Flat)1.指股票或金融工具的价格既不上升也不下跌,也称sideways(横向波动)。 2.形容债券以不带应计利息的条件买卖,例如遭违约的债券。 3.形容头寸既非做多头亦非做空头。1.指股票或金融工具的价格既不上升也不下跌,也称sideways(横向波动)。2.形容债券以不带应计利息的条件买卖,例如遭违约的债券。3.形容头寸既非做多头亦非做空头。The price of a share or financial instrument that is neither rising nor falling; also called sideways. Also, a bond that is trading without accrued interest, such as a bond in default and a position in a market, or a financial instrument, which is balanced, neither long nor short.持平Flatchiping取自"http://glossary.reuters.com.cn/wiki/index.php/%E6%8C%81%E5%B9%B3"页面分类: 金融 | 外汇 | 债券 | 股票